The research team closely surveying the artifacts . (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Archaeologists Christine Hawixbrock and Viengkeo Souksavadty looking at a map while sitting on the sand on the Mekong riverbank. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Viengkeo Souksavadty travelling in a boat on the Mekong River. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Laotian architect Vissa Chanthaphasouk and Christophe Pottier walking towards a collapsed temple. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Vissa Chanthaphasouk. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Jacob Bryant)
A rare gold artifact of Khmer Empire origin. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Rare, precious gold artifacts - 8 kilograms of gold and 18 kilograms of silver. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
Archaeologists Christine Hawixbrock has found what appears to be ancient post holes which could have been a jetty or wharf. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)
From a boat look towards the Vat Phou temple. (NHNZ Worldwide Ltd/Liam Davies)